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Get Involved

Carbon Conversations TO provides a safe space for you to express concerns about climate change while gaining tools and resources to help reduce your carbon footprint. We help you work with the complex emotions that make it difficult to act and find renewed motivation.


Our Courageous Conversations on Climate Programs


Connect with like-minded people to explore the relationship between your life and climate change. Engage in courageous conversations to acknowledge our collective eco-distress while finding practical steps towards a more hopeful future.

Join a Climate Change and You Program


Learn about our many workshops, including our flagship Tackling the Climate Elephant workshop, which helps individuals talk to friends and family about climate change.  

Discover a Carbon Conversation Workshop

Coffee Table

Join this thinking and feeling space where you can share your feelings about the climate and ecological crisis. Come as you are and share as much or as little as you're comfortable with.

*NEW* Explore Our Climate Cafes


Sign up for our Climate Action Facilitator program to learn how to lead our flagship Climate Change and You Program.

Become a Climate Action Facilitator

Other Ways to Get involved

hire carbon conversations to

Hire Us for Your Organization

If you would like Carbon Conversations TO to host an event or meeting with your organization, let us know.


volunteer with carbon conversations

Volunteer with CCTO

We are a volunteer-based organization. Your support will make a significant impact on our work.  Find out what volunteer positions are currently available.

partner with carbon conversations to

Partner with CCTO

We love partnering with groups and organizations. Reach out and we'll work with you to explore opportunities to collaborate.  


Featured Story

Turning Climate Grief into Climate Action: Brianna's Story


Learn how Brianna Aspinall, founder of Carbon Conversations TO, turned her feelings of climate anxiety and grief into meaningful environmental action.

Carbon Conversations Toronto Brianna Aspinell

Stay Connected

For information on upcoming Carbon Conversations TO events and other updates on how you can take climate action in your neighbourhood, sign up for our Newsletter.

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