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Carbon Conversations TO About Us

About Us

Our mission is to normalize climate action. 

A fair and sustainable future begins with each other. 

Carbon Conversations Toronto (CCTO) is a volunteer-led group founded to help individuals find hope in the climate crisis. Climate change can leave individuals feeling hopeless and unmotivated. CCTO helps people find the ability to take climate action. In Toronto alone, 78% of residents are concerned about climate change, yet 42% don’t know what to do about it. Many of us are unwilling to act because of the anxiety climate change can cause.


CCTO aims to help people feel more equipped and motivated to talk about climate change and take climate action. We follow a set of seven guiding principles to do just that: â€‹

  1. A focus on responsibility instead of blame. 

  2. Personal empowerment. 

  3. Actions are stronger than words. 

  4. Compassion and respect. 

  5. Attention is needed for action. 

  6. A focus on individual responsibility and action as a mechanism for collective climate action. 

  7. A just and fair transition. 

climate change volunteer Toronto

What We Offer 

Our unique approach to climate action is behaviour-based. Our materials are based on the work of Rosemary Randal and Andy Brown. Rosemary, a psychotherapist and Andy, an engineer, created Carbon Conversations in the UK.


Our flagship offering is our Climate Change and You Program, where participants join weekly facilitated discussions about how an area of their lives relates to climate change. Through these sessions, participants gain a better sense of their emotional relationship with the climate crisis. They also learn concrete, manageable steps to reduce their carbon footprint.


To expand the reach of this successful program, we offer training for others to become Climate Action Facilitators so they can host their own Climate Change and You Programs in their communities.

Climate Change and You Results

Through our past Climate Change and You programs (formerly known as Six Week Sessions), Carbon Conversations TO was able to help participants overcome difficult emotions related to climate change and commit to tangible actions to reduce their carbon footprint. 


Reduction in the number of participants that felt overwhelmed by climate change after the sessions.

2.71 t

Participants started actions that have a potential 2.71 tonne reduction of their average carbon footprint.


Participants that started an action beyond their carbon footprint (e.g. talk to others, join a climate campaign, etc.)

Allison Merz

I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to make changes in their lives to reduce their carbon footprint.


- Allison Merz, CCTO past participant and current volunteer

Our Team

Carbon Conversations TO is made up of a dedicated team of volunteers. Get to know each of us and the roles we play.

volunteer climate action

Stay Connected

For information on upcoming Carbon Conversations TO events and other updates on how you can take climate action in your neighbourhood, sign up for our mailing list.

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